How far would you run to uncover your roots, 2024, @runtowardsmyfamily on instagram and TikTik and Threads

The artist Mirae kh RHEE launched the project Run Towards My Family in early April of 2024 to search for her birth family, of whom she has been looking for since 1998. During a period of 40 weeks (the average time of a baby’s gestation in the womb) RHEE documents her training to run the Seoul JTBC Marathon on November 3, 2024. The artist invited other overseas adopted Koreans who are searching for their first families to participate. Knowing one’s roots, as well as family medical history, should be a human right.

Run Towards My Family is a Birth Family Search Campaign, a marathon running challenge, a social art project, and above all, an intimate journey into human endurance and resilience to seek one’s roots.

Mirae kh RHEE is an artist, researcher, writer, speaker, and lives between Berlin, Germany and California, USA.